Linguistics M.A.
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Course Requirements
The following courses must be taken by all students.
All students are required to take two additional core courses drawn from the following list:
Students must take the third core course from the above list of 'B' courses, or one course from the following list:
Additionally students must take three electives that form a coherent plan of study, as determined by the student’s adviser in consultation with the student. These electives are typically drawn from graduate courses offered by Linguistics and other related disciplines and independent study courses with Linguistics faculty.
Other Requirements
Foreign Language Requirements
Reading competence in one foreign language, to be demonstrated by examination at the end of your first year.
Course Unit Requirement
The nine required courses must be taken as 5-credit courses. For any of the courses above, satisfactory completion (grade of P or A- or higher) prior to entry to the M.A. program will count toward course requirements for the M.A. degree. Pursuant to UC Santa Cruz Graduate Division policy, students must complete a minimum of 35 credits within the Linguistics Department graduate curriculum as an M.A. student.
Master's Thesis
Students in the master’s program complete a master’s thesis in linguistics. This thesis often grows out of a promising term paper written by the student, and is read by a committee composed of three faculty members in linguistics. Preparation for research projects should begin far in advance. In general, a good goal for those working on their M.A. thesis is to approach a possible thesis chair by the end of their first academic year.
Applying for Graduation
See the Graduate Student Handbook for administrative requirements.
See the Academic and Administrative Calendar for Announcement of Candidacy dates.
Note: The completed master’s thesis, and cover sheet, should be submitted to the Graduate Division and a pdf copy of the thesis, and cover sheet, should be submitted to the graduate coordinator.