Multilingual Curriculum

209 Humanities 1
(831) 459-2431

The Multilingual Curriculum (MLC) is a series of courses that provide linguistically diverse students targeted instruction in writing, reading, and speaking. These courses are designed to strengthen students’ use of English for purposeful, authentic, and culturally appropriate communication, necessary for successful language acquisition. 

In these courses, MLC students learn conceptual knowledge about writing and language that reinforces important components of College 1 in the Academic Literacy Curriculum <insert link>, specifically community building through cross-cultural exchanges and developing metacognitive awareness of one’s own learning. Through project-based learning, students build their proficiencies in academic reading and writing while also creating multimodal and collaborative projects written for authentic audiences. The MLC is administered by the Writing Program. 

Multilingual Curriculum Placement

Prior to the start of fall quarter, students who have not satisfied the systemwide Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) by other methods will take the University of California's Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE). Student who receive the indicator “AWPE for Multilingual Students” (AWPE-MLS) will be placed into a class appropriate for their language needs. 

  1. AWPE-MLS 2 or 3: WRIT 25, Writing about Place (F, W) 
  2. AWPE-MLS 4 or 5: WRIT 26, Writing about Language (F, W, S)

Satisfying the Entry-Level Writing Requirement

MLC courses must be taken in the fall quarter concurrently with College 1, both of which are required for students to satisfy the systemwide Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR). After completing Writing 26, students take Writing 1 or 1E, the final course required for ELWR satisfaction. Multilingual students are highly encouraged to take Writing 1E, which carries the same outcomes at Writing 1 but is taught by trained faculty with expertise in language acquisition. 

MLC Pathways for ELWR Satisfaction  
AWPE-MLS Score Fall  Winter Spring 
2 or 3 College 1
WRIT 25 
WRIT 26  WRIT 1 or WRITE 1E 
4 or 5 College 1
WRIT 26 
WRIT 1 or WRITE 1E   

For more information regarding undergraduate campus requirements, please visit the Writing Program's website.

For a full list of Writing Program course descriptions, please visit the Course List on the Writing Program website

For specific information on advising, please email