
Elena Baskin Visual Arts Studios
Room E-104
(831) 459-2272

Programs Offered

Art B.A.

Environmental Art and Social Practice M.F.A.

Undergraduate Program

The Art Department offers an integrated program of study in theory and practice exploring the power of visual communication for personal expression and public interaction. The department provides students with the means to pursue this exploration through courses that provide the practical hands-on learning skills for art production in a variety of media within the contexts of critical thinking and broad-based social perspectives.

The art program at UC Santa Cruz is composed of courses in drawing, animation, painting, photography, sculpture, print media, intermedia, critical theory, electronic art, public art, environmental art, social art practice, and interactive technologies. Baskin visual arts studios provide world-class facilities for art production in these areas. The Art Department is committed to pursuing a continuing dialogue about what constitutes basic preparation in the arts while offering students experience in established practices, new genres, and new technologies.

Students graduating with a major in art may become professional artists or pursue careers in such diverse areas as arts administration, arts management, museum education, art direction, communication design, web design, digital imaging, curating, art education, multi-media specialist, industry consultant, model maker, and publishing. Many students who want to teach at the college level continue their education in graduate school.

Courses for Non-majors

The Art Department offers courses for non-art majors that fulfill general education requirements and offer students a chance to explore art to see if it interests them as a major.

These courses include ART 10D, 2D Foundation; ART 10E, 3D Foundation; ART 10F, 4D Foundation; ART 80D, Fundamentals of Photography; ART 80E, Environmental Art in the Expanded Field (online course); ART 80F, Introduction to Issues in Digital Media; ART 80T, Digital Tools for Contemporary Artists; ART 20L, Introduction to Drawing (online course); and ART 106O, 2D Animation (online course).