Linguistics Minor

Course Requirements

Lower-Division Courses

LING 50Introduction to Linguistics


LING 53Semantics I


Upper-Division Courses

LING 101Phonology I


Plus one of the following upper-division courses:

LING 111Syntactic Structures


LING 112Syntax I


And four upper-division elective courses in linguistics

Upper-division linguistics electives for the minor include any upper-division course offered by the Linguistics Department (except courses LING 101, LING 111 and LING 112). There is no foreign language/mathematics competency requirement for the minor.

Course Substitution Policy

Students may petition the department to have elective courses offered through other institutions or other University of California programs applied toward the minor requirements. At most two such courses can be applied toward the minor. These courses must be upper-division and clearly fit into a coherent program of study in linguistics. A list of approved courses from other UCSC departments is available in the Course Substitution Policy section of the Linguistics B.A. program statement. A list of approved outside courses being offered in the current or upcoming term may be found on the department website.