Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 275 Energy Market, Policy, and Modeling

The power industry is responsible for a large fraction of the U.S.'s emissions of SO2, NOx, and CO2, as well as much other water, solid waste, and land impacts. Its large environmental as well as economic footprint make it a target of many environmental policies, as well as an inherently interesting sector to study. The recent development of energy and climate policy at the global, the U.S. federal, and state-level has made Energy & Climate Policy an intriguing and dynamic topic for both industries and academia. This course will present fundamental analytical tools (optimization and simulation) for modeling firm and market behavior for the energy sector, with a focus on electric power. However, these models can be used for planning investments in generation, transmission, and energy conservation, and for analysis of public policy.


Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.



Quarter offered



Yihsu Chen