
SOCY 127P Sociology of Drugs, Botanicals and Pharmaceuticals

Engages the social, historical, and economic trajectories of the drugs, illicit and licit, botanical and pharmaceutical within U.S. society. Through an examination of case studies, and other texts of encounter, explores how international, state, and local actors mediate as interlocutors between globalized interests, local knowledges, and the molecules we have increasingly come to know, ingest, and incorporate.


Prerequisite(s): SOCY 1 or SOCY 10 or SOCY 15 or CRES 10; or by permission of the instructor. Enrollment restricted to junior and senior sociology, biology, biotechnology, biochemistry and molecular biology, community studies, critical race and ethnic studies, Latin American/sociology combined, and global information and social enterprise majors, proposed majors, and minors.



Quarter offered



James Doucet-Battle