
BIOC 150A Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology I

Part one of a three-quarter sequence. Presents the basic principles of pharmacology and toxicology, beginning with the concepts governing both the environmental fate and biological actions of bioactive chemicals. Included are physicochemical properties, environmental transport and reaction mechanisms, dose-response relationships, chemical-receptor dynamics, disposition kinetics, biotransformation, and metabolic induction and inhibition.



Quarter offered


BIOC 150B Pharm & Tox II

Pharm & Tox II



BIOC 150C Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology III

Part three of a three-quarter sequence. Presents the various sites and mechanisms of action, pharmacologic and toxicologic effects, and pathologic changes produced by important classes of drugs and toxicants in biological systems. Included are agents active on the central and peripheral nervous systems, anesthesia, psychopharmacology, cardiovascular and respiratory function actions, new chemical evaluation, and risk assessment.



Quarter offered


BIOC 150L Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory I

Part one of a three-quarter sequence. Presented in seminar-laboratory format, explores the various in vitro and in vivo tools utilized in the preclinical discovery and development of drugs and toxic agents. The lab sessions involve demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and field trips to industry laboratories. Lab animal studies are integral to the drug development and approval process. Since this is a highly regulated activity, emphasizes sound lab animal management and use issues and skills.
