
CSE 2 Computer Literacy

Introduction to how computers work and how to use them. Topics covered include network information systems, text editors, formatting, file and directory system, spreadsheets and databases. Computers as symbol manipulation devices. Introduction to programming concepts and computer languages. Impact of computers on society. Designed for students with little or no experience using computers. Preference is given to students who have not taken other computer engineering or computer science courses. Students cannot receive credit for this course and Computer Engineering 3. (Formerly Computer Science 2.)



General Education Code


CSE 11 Intermediate Programming

Continuation of course 5J. Covers basic object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, graphical user interface (GUI) creation, recursion, two-dimensional arrays. The two-quarter sequence courses 5J and 11 cover in two quarters the same material as the accelerated introductory course and lab 12A/L cover in one quarter. Students cannot receive credit this course and course 12A. (Formerly CMPS 11.)




The Staff, Patrick Tantalo, Narges Norouzi


Prerequisite(s): CSE 5J, and MATH 3 or MATH 11A or MATH 19A or AM 3 or AM 11A or ECON 11A or a score of 400 or higher on the mathematics placement examination (MPE).

General Education Code


CSE 12L Computer Systems and Assembly Language Laboratory

Introduction to computer systems and assembly language and how computers compute in hardware and software. Topics include digital logic, number systems, data structures, compiling/assembly process, basics of system software, and computer architecture. May include C language. Students with no prior programming experience are strongly recommended to take CSE 3, Computer Science 5J, Computer Science 5P, Computer Science 10, or equivalent before taking this course. (Formerly Computer Engineering 12L.)




The Staff, Tracy Larrabee, Darrell Long, Jose Renau Ardevol, Matthew Guthaus, Max Dunne


Prerequisite(s): previous or concurrent enrollment in CSE 12 is required.

Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

CSE 14 Introduction to Programming (Accelerated)

Accelerated introduction to programming. Students write medium-sized programs. Topics include: functions; conditionals and loops; classes; event-driven programming and graphic user interfaces (GUIs); recursion; and arrays. Students who have no or very limited programming experience should consider courses 5J and 11 which cover the same material in two quarters. Students may not receive credit for both this course and course 11. Some prior programming experience in a language such as C, C++, Java, or C# strongly recommended. (Formerly CMPS 12A.)




The Staff, Delbert Bailey, Wesley Mackey, Darrell Long, Cormac Flanagan, Alex Pang, David Helmbold, Narges Norouzi


Prerequisite(s): MATH 3, MATH 11A, MATH 19A, AM 3, AM 11A or ECON 11A, or a score of 400 or higher on the mathematics placement examination (MPE). Concurrent enrollment in CSE 14L is required.

CSE 14L Computer Programming Laboratory

Laboratory sequence complementing topics taught in course 12A by providing training and exposure to several software development tools and practices not covered in course 14. In addition, the lab provides an initial exposure to a second programming language to reinforce concepts from course 14. (Formerly CMPS 12L.)




The Staff, Delbert Bailey, Wesley Mackey, Darrell Long, Cormac Flanagan, Alex Pang, David Helmbold


Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in CSE 14 is required.

CSE 15 Introduction to Data Structures

Teaches students to implement common data structures and the algorithms associated with each data structure, through progressively difficult exercises. Topics include big O notation; pointers, recursion (induction), and dynamic allocation; linked lists and list processing; stacks, queues, binary trees and binary search trees; simple sorting techniques and simple search techniques. Students will gain a working knowledge of the elements of the Java and C programming languages. Prior experience with Unix is assumed. (Formerly Computer Science 12B.)




The Staff, Patrick Tantalo, Wesley Mackey, Darrell Long, Seshadhri Comandur


Prerequisite(s): CSE 11 or CSE 14 or CSE 13E or CSE 13S. Concurrent enrollment in CSE 15L is required.

General Education Code


Quarter offered


CSE 15L Data Structures Laboratory

Complements course 12B, gaining additional competence with a number of important software development tools, languages, and techniques. Included are advanced Unix features and utilities such as grep, find, diff, the shell, and pipes; C programs utilizing I/O, arrays, pointers, and structures; a scripting language to perform simple text and file manipulation; and the make utility. (Formerly CMPS 12M.)




The Staff, Patrick Tantalo, Wesley Mackey, Darrell Long, Seshadhri Comandur


Concurrent enrollment in CSE 15 is required.

Quarter offered


CSE 60M Scientific Computation with Matlab and Maple

Basic concepts from calculus visualized using Matlab and Maple; plotting data and functions, integration, differentiation, limits; solving systems of equation; linear regression; and example applications from science and engineering. (Formerly Computer Science 60M.)




Manfred Warmuth


Prerequisite(s): MATH 19B, or MATH 20B, or by consent of instructor.