
SCIC 205 Science in Multimedia

Introduces students to the communication of science in multimedia on the World Wide Web. The aesthetics, effectiveness, current limitations, and future potential of multimedia for communicating science are considered. Students critically examine exemplary Web sites where science is presented. Using the latest commercially available software tools, students learn to create their own original multimedia productions and put them on the Web.



Quarter offered


SCIC 206 Science on the Radio

Introduces students to the communication of science through the medium of radio. The aesthetics, effectiveness, and limitations of radio as a medium for communicating science are considered. Students critically examine exemplary science radio programs and learn to conceive and criticize story ideas, as well as research, interview, record ambient sound, and write narration for radio reports. Using the latest commercially available technology, students report, write, record, edit, and produce for actual broadcast a finished radio program on a scientific subject.



Quarter offered
