Information and Policies
Global and Community Health (GCH) is an interdisciplinary field of study that is connected both to urgent practical work in the world at large and the core concerns of a liberal arts education. Since GCH topics are embedded in and reflective of wide-ranging social forces, their study is situated at the intersection of diverse traditional disciplines ranging from art, literature, and history, to anthropology, sociology, psychology, politics, economics, and the natural and environmental sciences. Other interdisciplinary fields such as feminist studies and Latin American and Latino studies also intersect in influential ways with GCH, creating exciting opportunities for double majors.
University of California, Santa Cruz, students have many opportunities in the GCH curriculum for practical work in the world beyond the university. Students reflect repeatedly through the major on how their own personal learning can be effectively connected with and communicated to external audiences ranging from community organizations to employers to graduate schools.
More than two hundred courses offered by faculty from all five divisions of UC Santa Cruz contribute to the GCH curriculum. These faculty are committed to the value of interdisciplinary learning, as well as to the possibilities of connecting student research and writing with GCH concerns in the world beyond the university.
No specific courses at the high school level are required for admission to the GCH B.A. at UC Santa Cruz. Courses in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, whether taken at the high school or college level, are appropriate background and preparation.
The GCH B.A. is appropriate for students interested in careers ranging from medicine, nursing , dentistry and pharmacy to public health and environmental health work in governmental agencies, to global health and community health work with non-governmental organizations, law firms and universities. Many of these careers also require additional post baccalaureate degrees for which the GCH B.A. provides an excellent foundation. But there are also jobs open to those with just the B.A. in a subset of community health, counseling and educational settings as well as in business sectors such as human resources, administration, hospitality, recreation, food services, farming and construction.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students completing requirements for the B.A. in GCH will develop knowledge and competency in the following five domains:
- the biological and environmental contexts of global and community health;
- the social and cultural contexts of global and community health;
- the institutional and policy contexts of global and community health;
- the methods, skills and humanities-informed analysis of global and community health; and
- the interdisciplinary design and implementation of global and community health work.
Academic Advising for the Program
The GCH undergraduate adviser offers specific information about navigating through the program and assists students with requirements, policies, procedures, learning support, guidance on internships, scholarships, and opportunities for undergraduate research.
Transfer students should also consult the Transfer Information and Policy section.
Getting Started in the Major: Frosh
This is a moderately course-intensive sequential program, and students who intend to pursue this major should begin taking classes for the major in their first year at UC Santa Cruz.
It is crucial for students to take the required introductory course Foundations for Global and Community Health as soon as possible. This fall it is cross-listed three ways as POLI 89/ANTH 89/ BIOL89, and students can register under any one of these three subject codes.
Transfer Information and Policy
Transfer Admission Screening Policy
Students planning to apply in this major are not required to complete specific major preparation courses before they come to UC Santa Cruz.
Getting Started in the Major: Transfer Students
A transfer student must take the required lower-division GCH course (GCH 1) in the fall of their first year at UC Santa Cruz or as soon thereafter as possible.
Courses from another institution may be considered only if they appear on the student’s Transfer Credit Summary. Students who wish to substitute transferable courses taken elsewhere for the GCH B.A. major’s requirements should discuss the procedure with a GCH adviser.
Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process
Students may declare the major after completing the required lower-division GCH course (GCH1, cross-listed in fall 2022 as ANTH89/BIOL89/POLI89) with grades of C or better. This course is normally taken during the first year or second year.
Appeal Process
A student who has not been able to satisfy the pre-declaration requirement may petition the GCH program for an exception by using this Appeal to Qualify form within 15 days of the denial of the declaration. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the department will notify the student and college of the decision. If a student has questions about the appeals process, they should contact
How to Declare a Major
Students who are eligible to declare the major must bring a completed declaration of major worksheet and GCH B.A. worksheet to the GCH advising office to declare officially.
Letter Grade Policy
All courses that are taken to satisfy any major requirement must be taken for a letter grade.
Double Majors and Major/Minor Combinations Policy
Students interested in pursuing multiple majors may NOT declare a combination of the Global and Community Health B.S. and B.A.. Double majors with other degrees are permitted so long as students qualify for and complete all requirements for each of the majors, including the Disciplinary Communication and comprehensive requirements.
Honors in the GCH B.A. are awarded to graduating seniors, based primarily on a review of grades, whose academic performance is judged to be consistently excellent by a committee of GCH faculty. Highest honors in the major are reserved for students with consistently outstanding academic performance.
Independent and Field Studies
Students may petition the program to substitute one upper-division independent study or field study toward the elective requirements of the major. In addition, students may take UCEAP study abroad courses focused on public and global health to fulfill the Area IV upper-division elective requirement for the major after approval of a request submitted to a GCH undergraduate adviser.
Medical and Professional School Admission
Medical and professional school admissions requirements vary; students should verify that their coursework will satisfy the admissions requirements of the specific programs to which they plan to apply.