Additional requirements for the M.A. degree are dependent on the student’s chosen track: the thesis track (Plan I) or the comprehensive examination track (Plan II).
Thesis Track (Plan I)
Students are required to complete a master’s thesis. A master’s thesis does not have to consist of original research results. At the minimum, it should show mastery of a specific subject area that goes beyond the knowledge taught in the core sequences in algebra, analysis, or geometry. This track is recommended for students that want to transfer into a top Ph.D. program.
The student, in consultation with their faculty advisor, is responsible for selecting a master’s thesis reading committee. The majority of the membership of a thesis reading committee shall be members of the Santa Cruz Division of the Academic Senate. The Graduate Division must approve the committee.
The Nominations for Master’s Thesis Reading Committee Form must be completed and submitted by the end of the second week of the quarter in which the degree will be granted. The form can be found on the Graduate Division website or can be provided by the Mathematics Department. The form should be turned in to the graduate adviser and program coordinator for review and submission to the Graduate Division.
More information about thesis submission can be found at the Graduate Division website.
Comprehensive Examination Track (Plan II)
Students are required to obtain a second-level pass on one of three written preliminary examinations: algebra, analysis, or geometry. A second-level pass signifies that the student has a very good understanding of the basic concepts, but not necessarily enough to conduct independent research.
M.A. students must complete the Application for the Master’s Degree form by the appropriate quarter’s deadline listed in the current academic calendar.
The application can be found on the Graduate Division website or can be provided by the Mathematics Department. The application should be turned in to the graduate adviser and program coordinator for review and submission to the Graduate Division.