Lower-Division Courses
Choose one of the following courses:
MATH 19A | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 11A | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
Plus one of the following courses:
MATH 19B | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 11B | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
Plus the following course:
MATH 22 | Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables | 5 |
MATH 22 is waived for a student who chooses their electives from chemistry and biology or from Earth sciences and biology.
Plus one of the following options:
| Either these courses | |
PHYS 5A | Introduction to Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 5L | Introduction to Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5B | Introduction to Physics II | 5 |
PHYS 5M | Introduction to Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5C | Introduction to Physics III | 5 |
PHYS 5N | Introduction to Physics Laboratory III | 1 |
| or these courses | |
PHYS 6A | Introductory Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 6L | Introductory Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6B | Introductory Physics II | 5 |
PHYS 6M | Introductory Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6C | Introductory Physics III | 5 |
PHYS 6N | Introductory Physics III Laboratory | 1 |
Plus one of the following options:
| Either these courses | |
CHEM 3A | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 3B | General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 3BL | General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
CHEM 3C | General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 3CL | General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
| or these courses | |
CHEM 4A | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
CHEM 4AL | Advanced General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
CHEM 4B | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
CHEM 4BL | Advanced General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
| or these courses | |
CHEM 1A | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 1B | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 1C | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 1M | General Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 1N | General Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
Plus one of the following options:
| Either these courses | |
EART 5 | California Geology | 5 |
EART 5L | California Geology Laboratory | 1 |
| or these courses | |
EART 10 | Geologic Principles | 5 |
EART 10L | Geologic Principles Laboratory | 1 |
| or these courses | |
EART 20 | Environmental Geology | 5 |
EART 20L | Environmental Geology Laboratory | 1 |
Plus all of the following courses:
Plus one of the following options:
| Either this course | |
STAT 5 | Statistics | 5 |
| or these courses | |
STAT 7 | Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences | 5 |
STAT 7L | Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences Laboratory | 2 |
| or this course | |
ASTR 119 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 5 |
ASTR 119 should be taken by students who select physics as one of their fields of specialization (see the Electives section below), to enable them to take the required course PHYS 133.
Plus the following course:
EDUC 50C, EDUC 100A, EDUC 100C and EDUC 185L are Cal Teach internship courses (see "Program Description"). The first course in this sequence is offered in the fall and winter terms. Students must apply to enroll in these courses before the priority application deadlines in early May (for fall) and early November (for winter). See the application website for details, or contact calteach@ucsc.edu Students are strongly encouraged to complete EDUC 50C before deciding to declare this major.
A student who has passed the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) General Science Examination will have the lower-division courses in the two fields that they are not specializing in (see the sections on “Electives” below) waived, except for EART 5 or EART 10 or EART 20 and the associated lab, which is a prerequisite for EART 110A. (If the lower-division courses in chemistry are waived, the student will still need to take CHEM 3A or CHEM 4A as the prerequisite to BIOL 20A, unless the lower-division courses in biology are also waived.)
Upper-Division Courses
The following course:
Plus one of the following courses:
Plus all of the following courses:
EDUC 185L | Introduction to Teaching: Cal Teach 3 | 3 |
EDUC 185C | Introduction to Teaching Science | 5 |
Plus one of the following courses:
EDUC 177 | Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students | 5 |
EDUC 128 | Immigrants and Education | 5 |
EDUC 140 | Language, Diversity, and Learning | 5 |
EDUC 181 | Race, Class, and Culture in Education | 5 |
All the courses from any two of the following fields must be completed:
Field 1: Physics
Field 2: Chemistry
And one additional 5-credit, upper-division chemistry course (CHEM 163B is strongly recommended for students in chemistry/physics; CHEM 103 for students in chemistry/biology; CHEM 163A for students in chemistry/Earth sciences).
Field 3: Biology
Field 4: Earth Sciences
And one additional 5-credit, upper-division EART course.
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
The disciplinary communication requirement for this major is fulfilled by completing:
Choose one of the following courses:
Plus the following course:
EDUC 185L | Introduction to Teaching: Cal Teach 3 | 3 |
Comprehensive Requirement
The senior capstone requirement for this major is fulfilled by completing:
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
Four-Year Planner
There are several alternatives to this planner. However, changes to an individual plan must take into account various prerequisites, both within the sequence of courses in a single discipline and between disciplines. Consult with an adviser before attempting an alternative path.
In addition to the specific courses shown in these planners, a student must complete courses satisfying the CC, IM and TA general education requirements.
#Students choosing physics as one of their fields of specialization must take MATH 19A and 19B instead of MATH 11A and MATH 11B, and the PHYS 5 series of courses instead of PHYS 6.
*MATH 22 is a prerequisite for CHEM 163A (recommended for chemistry + Earth sciences) and CHEM 163B (recommended for chemistry + physics). MATH 22 is required for this major only if a student chooses physics as one of their fields or chooses the combination chemistry + Earth sciences. Consult your adviser with questions.
**See advance enrollment requirements and process in the Lower-Division Courses section above.
*** WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Field A and B refer to the two subject areas a student chooses for specialization. Courses in each field are:
- Physics: PHYS 5D (fall), PHYS 102 (winter), PHYS 133 (spring)
- Earth sciences: OCEA 90 (fall), EART 110B & EART 110M (winter), Earth science upper-division elective (spring).
- Biology: BIOL 105 (fall), BIOE 107 (winter), BIOE 109 (spring)
- Chemistry (three options):
- CHEM 163A (fall), CHEM 8A & CHEM 8L (winter), CHEM 8B & CHEM 8M (spring) for chemistry with Earth sciences
- CHEM 8A & CHEM 8L (fall), CHEM 163B (winter), CHEM 8B & CHEM 8M (spring) for chemistry with physics
- CHEM 8A & CHEM 8L (fall), CHEM 8B & CHEM 8M (winter), CHEM 103 (spring) for chemistry with biology
Transfer Planner
*MATH 22 is a prerequisite for CHEM 163A (recommended for chemistry + Earth sciences) and CHEM 163B (recommended for chemistry + physics). A student who has completed the equivalent at their community college will not need to complete this course at UC Santa Cruz. MATH 22 is required for this major only if a student chooses physics as one of their fields or chooses the combination chemistry + Earth sciences. Consult your adviser with questions.
**See advance enrollment requirements and process in the Lower-Division Courses section above.
This planner assumes that the student has completed all general education requirements, and nine courses out of the 12 breadth requirements in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics & statistics. The remaining three “breadth courses” can be taken in the three slots shown.
Elective courses for each field are described below the four-year planner. If courses in Field A cannot be taken in the junior year, they can be exchanged with the breadth courses shown in the senior year.