Lower-Division Courses
All of the following courses:
ECON 1 | Introductory Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Market Structure | 5 |
ECON 2 | Introductory Macroeconomics: Aggregate Economic Activity | 5 |
ENVS 25 | Environmental Politics, Economics and Justice | 5 |
STAT 17 | Statistical Methods for Business and Economics | 5 |
STAT 17L | Statistical Methods for Business and Economics Laboratory | 2 |
Plus one of the following courses:
Plus one of the following courses:
Plus one of the following calculus series:
We encourage all ENVS/ECON students to do the AM 11A & AM 11B series. However, the other options will suffice.
| Either these courses | |
AM 11A
| Mathematical Methods for Economists I | 5 |
AM 11B
| Mathematical Methods for Economists II | 5 |
| or these courses | |
MATH 11A | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
AM 11B
| Mathematical Methods for Economists II | 5 |
| or these courses | |
MATH 19A | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 19B | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 23A | Vector Calculus | 5 |
| or these courses | |
MATH 11A | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
MATH 11B | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
MATH 22 | Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables | 5 |
Plus one of the following courses:
ANTH 2 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 5 |
| Bioethics in the 21st Century: Science, Business, and Society | 5 |
PHIL 22 | Introduction to Ethical Theory | 5 |
PHIL 24 | Introduction to Ethics: Contemporary Moral Issues | 5 |
PHIL 28 | Environmental Ethics | 5 |
SOCY 1 | Introduction to Sociology | 5 |
SOCY 10 | Issues and Problems in American Society | 5 |
SOCY 15 | World Society | 5 |
Upper-Division Courses
One of the following courses:
ECON 100A | Intermediate Microeconomics | 5 |
ECON 100M | Intermediate Microeconomics, Math Intensive | 5 |
Plus all of the following courses:
Six upper-division elective courses, three in economics and three in environmental studies.
Three ECON electives from the following list:
Environmental studies electives
Three ENVS electives are required. At least one of those must be chosen from the following list of natural science electives. Lecture/lab combinations count as one course.
ENVS 104A | Introduction to Environmental Field Methods | 5 |
ENVS 104L | Field Methods Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS 106A | Natural History of Birds | 5 |
ENVS 107A | Natural History Field Quarter | 5 |
ENVS 107B | Natural History Field Quarter | 5 |
ENVS 107C | Natural History Field Quarter | 5 |
ENVS 108 | General Entomology | 5 |
ENVS 108L | General Entomology Laboratory | 3 |
/ENVS 109A
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods | 5 |
/ENVS 109B
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods Laboratory | 5 |
/ENVS 109C
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Functions and Processes of Terrestrial Ecosystems | 5 |
/ENVS 109D
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Conservation in Practice | 4 |
ENVS 120 | Conservation Biology | 5 |
ENVS 122 | Tropical Ecology and Conservation | 5 |
ENVS 123 | Animal Ecology and Conservation | 5 |
BIOE 125
/ENVS 125
| Ecosystems of California | 5 |
ENVS 130A | Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture | 5 |
ENVS 130L | Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS 130C | Field Experiences in Agroecology and Sustainable Food | 5 |
ENVS 131 | Insect Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 133 | Agroecology Practicum | 5 |
ENVS 135 | Sustainable Aquaculture | 5 |
ENVS 160 | Restoration Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 161A | Soils and Plant Nutrition | 5 |
ENVS 162 | Plant Physiological Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 162L | Plant Physiological Ecology Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS 163 | Plant Disease Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 163L | Plant Disease Ecology Lab | 2 |
ENVS 164 | Projects and Practices in Soil Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 166 | Agroecosystem Analysis and Watershed Management | 5 |
ENVS 167 | Freshwater and Wetland Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 167L | Freshwater and Wetland Ecology Lab | 2 |
ENVS 168 | Biogeochemistry and the Global Environment | 5 |
ENVS 169 | Climate Change Ecology | 5 |
ENVS 170 | Agriculture and Climate Change | 5 |
None of the three environmental studies upper-division courses can be an environmental studies internship, individual study or substitution course.
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major's upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement for the environmental studies/economics combined major is satisfied by completing:
The following courses:
Plus one of the following:
/ENVS 109B
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods Laboratory | 5 |
ENVS 183B | Senior Internship | 5 |
ENVS 190 | Capstone Course: Environmental Problem Solving | 5 |
ENVS 195B | Senior Thesis Group | 5 |
ENVS 196 | Senior Seminar | 5 |
Comprehensive Requirement
Students satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement by completing both of the following:
- One of the senior exit options for environmental studies B.A.
- Pass those portions of the economics comprehensive examination administered in ECON 100A and ECON 113.
The senior comprehensive may be satisfied by completing one of the options listed below. All courses used to satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement must be taken for a letter grade.
Before enrolling in the senior thesis or senior internship option, students must formally apply to work with a particular faculty mentor very early in their thesis or project preparation. The senior thesis and senior internship option require careful planning, additional independent research, and at least a two-quarter commitment.
Students with advanced skills in one of the graduate focal areas may also take a graduate seminar by invitation from the instructor.
| Either this course | |
/ENVS 109B
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods Laboratory | 5 |
| or these courses | |
ENVS 183A | Senior Internship | 5 |
ENVS 183B | Senior Internship | 5 |
| or this course | |
ENVS 190 | Capstone Course: Environmental Problem Solving | 5 |
| or these courses | |
ENVS 195A | Senior Research | 5 |
ENVS 195B | Senior Thesis Group | 5 |
| or this course | |
ENVS 196 | Senior Seminar | 5 |
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
The following are two sample academic plans for students pursuing the environmental studies/economics combined B.A. major without a concentration. Plan One is for incoming frosh and Plan Two is for incoming transfer students.
Plan One for Incoming Frosh
*This course is also offered in the spring term.
** WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
This planner assumes that a student has placed into MATH 3 or AM 3.
Students completing this major will have satisfied the SI, IN, PE-E, IS, PE-H, MF, and PR-E general education requirements. In addition, they will need to fulfill all remaining university, college, and general education requirements.
Students interested in taking the senior thesis or senior internship as their comprehensive requirement must take ENVS 195A (thesis) or ENVS 183A (internship) in the quarter before completing ENVS 195B (thesis) or ENVS 183B (internship). Both the senior thesis and senior internship are two consecutive quarter commitments.
Plan Two for Incoming Transfer Students
This planner assumes that a student has completed all required lower-division courses—including UCSC or community college general education requirements.
A transfer student who has completed the requirements for the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) before matriculating at UC Santa Cruz, with at most two course requirements left to complete, is allowed to satisfy IGETC in lieu of the UCSC general education requirements.
Students interested in taking the senior thesis or senior internship as their comprehensive requirement must take ENVS 195A (thesis) or ENVS 183A (internship) in the quarter before completing ENVS 195B (thesis) or ENVS 183B (internship). Both the senior thesis and senior internship are two consecutive quarter commitments.