
Latin American and Latino Studies Designated Emphasis


The Designated Emphasis (DE) in Latin American & Latino Studies (LALS) provides graduate students from other graduate programs at the University of California, Santa Cruz, with opportunities for interdisciplinary study with faculty from across the campus. Completion of the program will be listed on the graduate degree as a designated emphasis.

Students wishing to pursue the Designated Emphasis in LALS should consult with their respective graduate program coordinators and with their faculty advisors before submitting the Petition to Enroll. Students should declare their intent to undertake the DE prior to the execution of their Qualifying Examinations (QE). Graduate students are strongly encouraged to submit the application no later than the end of the third year.

The application and an annually updated list of regularly offered, approved graduate courses are available on the LALS website.

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The following are required for the designated emphasis:

Committee Composition and Departmental Approvals

The student must have a designated LALS advisor (DE advisor) from among the Latin American and Latino studies core or affiliated faculty. This advisor will be in addition to the faculty advisor from the student’s home department. The Latin American and Latino Studies advisor must serve on the student’s QE and/or dissertation committee.

Course Requirements

Students must submit a course plan to the LALS Graduate Committee for approval to enroll in the DE. The student must take five graduate courses in Latin American and Latino Studies: the required LALS 200, one LALS course taught by a core LALS faculty member, and three courses with LALS content in any UC Santa Cruz department taught by core, participating, or affiliated LALS faculty.