Financial Support

The University of California, Santa Cruz, makes a strong effort to provide financial support to all graduate students who make normal progress in their program of studies. Certain kinds of support are awarded on the basis of academic merit, and others are granted on the basis of need. Students are encouraged to apply for both kinds of assistance by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form must be submitted after October 1 prior to the academic year for which you are requesting aid. The FAFSA may be filled out online and filed electronically at the FAFSA website. Applications for student loans for each academic year will be accepted until April of that academic year. More detailed information about the application process and loans can be found at Financial Aid. Students may also visit the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, 205 Hahn Student Services Building, or call (831) 459-2963.

Beginning in fall 2020, UC Santa Cruz will be offering new and continuing doctoral and MFA students support packages of five years (two for MFA) with a minimum level of support equivalent to a 50 percent teaching assistantship. For 2023-24, this program will bring support for eligible doctoral and MFA students—stipend, fees, tuition, GSHIP, etc.—up to approximately $48,000 annually.

Fellowships, Assistantships, Grants

Students who received Cal Grant A or B as undergraduates within the last 15 months may request a one-year extension from the California Student Aid Commission to attend a teacher credential program. Renewal of these awards requires the student to submit the FAFSA by March 2nd. In addition, the student must submit a Request for Teaching Program Benefits Form (Form G-44) to the California Student Aid Commission.

The federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grants to students who intend to teach in a high-need field in a public/private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. The program at UCSC is for M.A. Education students. In exchange for receiving this grant, you must sign an Agreement to Serve and complete online counseling. This grant converts to a loan with retroactive interest if the Service Agreement is not fulfilled. More information and a fact sheet can be found at the Federal Student Aid TEACH Grants website.

Teaching Assistantships are offered by academic departments. Departments may decide to assign assistantships to students outside of the department. Opportunities are shared among departments and students should inquire with their graduate department adviser about applying for assistantships. Salary information is posted online by the Academic Personnel Office. 

Graduate Student Researcher Internships are assigned by faculty and sponsoring campus agencies. Students should inquire with faculty about GSR opportunities. Salary scales (steps) vary by department/division. Salary information is posted online by the Academic Personnel Office.

Student Loans

Graduate students can qualify for federal student loans by completing the FAFSA. Graduate students are eligible for Unsubsidized and Graduate PLUS loan programs. For additional information , see the UCSC Financial Aid and Scholarships website.

Loan Forgiveness Programs

The federal government will forgive all or part of a student loan under certain circumstances. This can include performing volunteer work or military service, or practicing medicine in certain communities. For a summary of such exemptions, visit the Federal Student Aid website.