The Social Documentation M.F.A. program offers a required and foundational core curriculum in the theory, history and practice of social documentary. Students work with three faculty advisors to design an individualized course of study that supplements the core curriculum with classes that support the student’s specific project, both in terms of content and technical production. Toward that end, students take elective courses in their area of interest in the social sciences and/or humanities, write and develop a written thesis, and then create a final documentary media project.
A total of 72 credits is required to complete the SocDoc M.F.A. Required courses include seminars on social documentary history; practice, theory, and social science research; and technical instruction on production and post-production processes and techniques. Full-time enrollment is required.
First Year (32 credits):
Students must successfully complete all first-year core courses below, and One FILM or SOCD graduate-level production elective such as FILM 202, SOCD 293, or another production-focused elective. See the Course Catalog for a complete list of graduate level courses in the department.
SOCD 200 | Approaches to Social Documentation | 5 |
SOCD 201A | Introduction to Documentary Field Production and Editing | 5 |
SOCD 201B | Advanced Documentary Field Production and Editing | 5 |
SOCD 201C | Project Planning for the Social Documentary | 5 |
SOCD 202 | Multiple-Platform Social Documentary Production | 5 |
SOCD 203 | Documentary Research Methods and Social Science Representation | 5 |
Second Year (25 credits):
SOCD 293
/FILM 233
| Studies and Practice for Social Documentation, Filmmaking, and New Media | 5 |
SOCD 294A | Production/Analysis/Editing | 5 |
SOCD 294B | Production/Analysis/Editing | 5 |
SOCD 294C | Production/Analysis/Editing | 5 |
SOCD 295 | Project Completion | 5 |
Additional Course Requirements
Electives (15 credits)
In addition to the required courses above, 15 credits of electives (offered by departments) are identified individually in consultation with the director of Graduate Studies and faculty advisors. SocDoc students choose elective courses based on their research needs and interests and will be advised to take graduate elective courses offered by their thesis advisors. Students may also elect to take independent studies with their advisors as a form of concentrated study in a specialized area.
To satisfy requirements for the M.F.A. degree, a student must complete and pass all of the required first-year courses and electives, assemble a committee of three advisors, develop a thesis proposal and successfully pass a qualifying examination (QE). The thesis proposal serves as the basis for the QE and includes: a description of the subject to be documented, a treatment or narrative outline, a work plan including budget and timeline, and a preliminary annotated bibliography and filmography/videography of related works.
Approval of the written proposal and satisfactory completion of the qualifying examination is a prerequisite for advancement to further coursework or fieldwork on the master’s project. The successful pre-qualifying examination proposal should address the following questions:
- What is the story to be told?
- What is the stylistic approach?
- What is the social analysis that will guide, inform, and underwrite the story?
- How will that analysis be enacted in the documentary?
- What kinds of evidence will be generated to persuade the audience that the analysis is accurate?
- How will the documentary use social analysis to make the personal political, and how will it move from analysis to critique?
The second year is focused on completion of the final documentary project, required for the M.F.A. degree. This project must reflect original research and creative activity while demonstrating a command of the field or topic of study. With an understanding of budgetary, equipment, and time limitations, students’ projects should reflect a level of quality appropriate for publication, exhibition, or broadcast (including digital/web-cast).
Typically, the expectation in each medium is as follows:
Documentary Film/Video. One 20-minute documentary suitable for professional distribution and public exhibition.
Documentary Photography. One major exhibition on or off campus with a minimum of 10-20 images with text, and/or a 10-minute multimedia presentation and/or a publication-ready book of photographs and essay(s).
Documentary Animation. One complete documentary animation suitable for professional distribution and public exhibition.
Transmedia Projects. One complete documentary transmedia project suitable for professional distribution and public exhibition.
Audio Documentary/Sound Recording. One 20-30-minute documentary suitable for radio broadcast or museum/public installation.
The final M.F.A. critique consists of a presentation and discussion of the student’s thesis work with their three advisors. In addition, every project must be accompanied by a written M.F.A. thesis describing its relationship to its field and must document its research via field notes, bibliographies, archival searches, filmographies, videographies, and photography searches. Final deliverables also include a basic website for the thesis project along with production stills, a press kit, and a draft civic engagement campaign. A public presentation of the project will complete graduation requirements. All materials will be filed in digital form and archived for future reference and access. All final projects, in every medium, must be submitted in the formats specified by the director of Graduate Studies.