Literature Designated Emphasis
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Graduate students in other programs may obtain a designated emphasis in literature on the Ph.D. degree by completing the following requirements:
Committee Composition and Departmental Approvals
The student must have a faculty graduate advisor from Literature, who serves both on the qualifying examination committee and the dissertation reading committee.
Course Requirements
The student must take four graduate courses in literature. With the approval of the literature advisor, one of the four required graduate courses may be an independent study.
Writing, Research and/or Teaching Requirements
The student must prepare a significant piece of writing in the area of literature, such as a substantial seminar paper or a chapter of the doctoral dissertation. The advisor from Literature, in consultation with the student, determines whether a particular piece of writing meets this requirement.
Designated Emphasis Application
When the above requirements have been fulfilled, the formal steps to obtain the Designated Emphasis in Literature are:
The student should complete a Designated Emphasis Application form, obtain the literature advisor's signature and submit the application with supporting documentation (copies of the Qualifying Examination and Dissertation Committee Nomination forms) to the Literature Department graduate program coordinator.
The Literature Department will notify the student and the home department of approval for the designated emphasis.