Earth Sciences Minor
Course Requirements
Students can earn a minor in Earth sciences by taking the following courses:
Lower-Division Courses
Choose one of the following options:
| Either these courses | |
EART 5 | California Geology | 5 |
EART 5L | California Geology Laboratory | 1 |
| or these courses | |
EART 10 | Geologic Principles | 5 |
EART 10L | Geologic Principles Laboratory | 1 |
| or these courses | |
EART 20 | Environmental Geology | 5 |
EART 20L | Environmental Geology Laboratory | 1 |
Upper-Division Courses
Students take five upper-division Earth sciences or ocean sciences courses of 5 credits or more, chosen from EART 100-199 (excluding EART 196B and EART 198) or OCEA 100-199. No more than one quarter of EART 199 or OCEA 199 may be used as an elective. Lecture/lab combinations count as one course. If a lecture has a lab offered (required or optional), the lab must be passed to count for this requirement.
ENVS 115A and ENVS 115L are open to Earth science students with permission of the instructor, and taken together are approved as one elective.
Students are encouraged to take more than the minimum number of elective courses and may craft an elective distribution from many areas of specific research and career interests.
Letter Grade Policy
All courses used to satisfy requirements for the Earth sciences minor must be taken for a letter grade with the exception of EART 195, EART 198, EART 199 and OCEA 199. These courses may be taken pass/no pass.