PBSci - Info

Physical Sciences Building, 5th Floor
(831) 459-2931

A broad range of majors is offered through the Division of Physical & Biological Sciences. The intellectual rigor of these majors ensures that our graduates are well prepared for further studies in graduate and professional schools, as well as careers in biomedical sciences, environmental research, Earth and planetary science, medicine, law, teaching, and technology.

The interdisciplinary framework of the Division of Physical & Biological Sciences provides students with the opportunity to attend classes, pursue independent research, and participate in experiments and fieldwork, in areas ranging from the study of cells to the examination of distant galaxies, from abstract number theory to the development of new chemical compounds, and from evolution to plate tectonics. These experiences equip students not only with the skills to explore and discover the world but also to define and improve it.

Additionally, the Division of Physical & Biological Sciences is committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity, collaboration, and mutual respect. The diversity of personal experiences, cultures, and perspectives drives the innovation and creativity needed to meet the most pressing challenges at the cutting edge of scientific research and education. We aim to provide our students with degree-defining experiences and empower them to become impactful members of their community.

Departments and programs affiliated with the Division of Physical & Biological Sciences include the Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics; Chemistry & Biochemistry; Earth & Planetary Sciences; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology; Mathematics; Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology; Ocean Sciences; Physics; and programs in Coastal Science & Policy, Materials Science & Engineering, and Science Communication. The division also hosts UCSC’s Natural Reserve System, the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, and the Institute of Marine Sciences and has close relationships with the University of California Observatories and Lick Observatory.More information about our undergraduate and graduate programs can be found on our website.