
HIS 194K Topics in the History of Southeast Asia

Examines the history of lands, peoples, and cultures in Southeast Asia. Covers case studies from early modern history, imperial contact, colonization, decolonization, as well as contemporary political and social conditions, including studies of displacement and im/migration. Topics include comparative studies of colonialisms in the region; historiography of Southeast Asian studies in the United States; Southeast Asian technoscience and medicine; environmental history and eco-activism. As this course also qualifies as a senior exit seminar for history majors, the course dives into the particulars of academic research and writing. Students produce an original research paper that will be scaffolded throughout the term.


Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and HIS 100, and two additional upper-division history courses, or by permission of instructor. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior history majors.




Kathleen Gutierrez

Repeatable for credit
