
Robotics and Control Designated Emphasis


The graduate designated emphasis (DE) leading to the degree notation “with an emphasis in Robotics and Control” is a collaboration of faculty from several Baskin School of Engineering programs and is administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Students wishing to complete a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation in this area must satisfy the degree requirements of a primary program as well as of the DE. The DE is most suitable for students pursuing degrees in Applied Mathematics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Statistics, but students from any area may work in this interdisciplinary field so long as they meet all requirements, including progress, within the primary degree program. A current list of the robotics and control faculty and electives is available at the Electrical and Computer Engineering website.

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Committee Composition and Departmental Approvals

The student’s M.S. project or Ph.D. qualifying exam, or Ph.D. committee must include one member of the robotics and control faculty.

Course Requirements

The student must complete four five-credit graduate courses and several two-credit seminar courses. All students must complete ECE 241, Introduction to Feedback Control Systems, and three 5-credit robotics and control graduate electives.

Master’s students must complete two offerings of ECE 280C, Seminar in Control (2 credits).

Doctoral students must complete four offerings of ECE 280C.

ECE 241Introduction to Feedback Control Systems


ECE 280CSeminar on Control


Writing, Research and/or Teaching Requirements

The student’s dissertation or thesis must include a significant section (chapter) related to robotics and control, with content suitable for a conference or journal article. Students pursuing the M.S. project track must complete a project report related to robotics and control, with content suitable for a conference or journal article.