
Robotics Engineering B.S.

Information and Policies

Program Learning Outcomes

Student Outcomes

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics

  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors

  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences

  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts

  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives

  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions

  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Academic Advising for the Program

The Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising office offers general advising for prospective and declared undergraduates majoring in Baskin Engineering programs. The office handles major declarations, transfer credits, course substitutions, articulations, and degree certifications.

Transfer students should also refer to the Transfer Information and Policy section.

Baskin Engineering Building, Room 225
(831) 459-5840

Getting Started in the Major: Frosh

This major is highly course intensive and sequential; students who intend to pursue this major must begin taking classes for the major in their first quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Math placement is required for one or more of the foundational courses for this major. For more information, please review the Math Placement website.

Transfer Information and Policy

Transfer students who want to pursue the robotics engineering major must have applied and been admitted to UC Santa Cruz as a proposed robotics engineering major.

Transfer Admission Screening Policy

The following courses or their equivalents, are required prior to transfer by the end of spring term for students planning to enter in the fall.

First-year calculus


MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


Linear Algebra

One of:

AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


Differential equations

One of:

AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


MATH 24Ordinary Differential Equations


Calculus-based physics

Two quarters of calculus-based physics courses accepted as equivalent to:

PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5LIntroduction to Physics I Laboratory


PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 5NIntroduction to Physics Laboratory III


Cumulative GPA

A minimum GPA of 2.8 must be obtained in the courses listed above. 


In addition, the following courses are recommended prior to transfer to ensure timely graduation.  

CSE 12Computer Systems and Assembly Language and Lab


MATH 23AVector Calculus


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


CSE 20Beginning Programming in Python


CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


ECE 13Computer Systems and C Programming


Also, CSE 12CSE 16, CSE 101ECE 9, ECE 10, ECE 13,  and MATH 23A and many general education requirements may be offered by UCSC Summer Session and taken prior to starting the first fall quarter at UCSC. 

Prospective students are encouraged to prioritize required and recommended major preparation prior to transfer, and may additionally complete courses that articulate to UC Santa Cruz general education requirements as time allows. 

Getting Started in the Major: Transfer Students

Transfer students should declare their major in their first quarter at UC Santa Cruz. Instructions for declaring a major in Baskin Engineering are on the Declare Your Major page.

Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process

Major Qualification

Transfer students should refer to the Transfer Admission Screening requirements. 

In order to be admitted into the robotics engineering major students must be listed as a proposed major within Baskin Engineering. Please refer to the Baskin Engineering "Proposed Major Retention" and its "Declaring a Baskin Engineering Major" sections in the catalog or the BE Undergraduate Advising Prepare to Declare page for more information.

In addition to being listed as a proposed Baskin Engineering major, declaration of the robotics engineering major in the first six quarters of enrollment at UC Santa Cruz is based on performance in the following lower-division courses and associated labs required for the major:

Both of these
MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


And one of these (whichever is completed first)
AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


MATH 23AVector Calculus


And one of these (whichever is completed first):
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


And all of these:
AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


ECE 9Statics and Mechanics of Materials


CSE 12Computer Systems and Assembly Language and Lab


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


ECE 13Computer Systems and C Programming


PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5LIntroduction to Physics I Laboratory


PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 5NIntroduction to Physics Laboratory III


Students in their first six quarters who have completed at least 41 credits in these courses will be admitted to the robotics major if their cumulative GPA is at least 2.8 in all the courses listed above; and they have attempted no more than seven credits resulting in grades of C-, D+, D, D-, F or NP in all of the courses listed above.

Appeal Process

Students who are informed that they are not eligible to declare may appeal this decision by submitting a letter to the undergraduate director within 15 days from the date the notification was mailed. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the department will notify the student, the college, and the Office of the Registrar of the decision.

If you have further questions concerning the appeal process, please contact the Undergraduate Advising Office at (831) 459-5840 or email bsoeadvising@ucsc.edu.

More information regarding the appeal process can be found on the BE Undergraduate Advising Appeal Your Major page.

How to Declare a Major

Instructions for declaring a major in Baskin Engineering are on the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising  Declare Your Major page.

Letter Grade Policy

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department requires letter grading for all courses applied toward the B.S. in robotics engineering. This policy includes courses required for the degree that are sponsored by other departments.

Course Substitution Policy

Students who wish to substitute a major course with a course from another department at UC Santa Cruz, or from another academic institution, must first seek approval through the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising Office. The advising office requires a Petition for Course Substitution be approved before credit for an alternate course can be applied to any Baskin Engineering major requirement.

Students who wish to take a course at a California community college must first check Assist.org to see if the course is equivalent at UC Santa Cruz. If the course is not listed on Assist.org, students must submit a course substitution petition to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office to have it reviewed for equivalency. Courses that need to be reviewed must be accompanied by a course description and syllabus. It is very helpful if students can provide further evidence of course content, such as examples of programming assignments, homework, or examinations. To guarantee equivalency, departments may sometimes require a grade of B or better.

If the course is approved for equivalency or was on Assist.org, then the student must also receive approval by their major department to take the class at the community college PRIOR to taking it. Forms and procedures for approval can be obtained from and submitted to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office

Please refer to the Baskin Engineering section of the catalog for the policy regarding course substitutions.

Double Majors and Major/Minor Combinations Policy

Students completing this major cannot also receive the computer engineering minor or the network and digital technology B.A. degree. 

Study Abroad

Four-Year Institutions and the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP)

Students who intend to take a course at a four-year institution or UC Education Abroad, must submit a Course Substitution Petition to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office to have the course reviewed for equivalency. Courses that need to be reviewed must be accompanied by a course description and syllabus. 

It is very helpful if students can provide further evidence of course content, such as examples of programming assignments, homework, or examinations. To guarantee equivalency, departments may sometimes require a grade of B or better. If the course is approved for equivalency, then the student must also receive approval by their major department PRIOR to taking the class. Forms and procedures for approval can be obtained from and submitted to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office.


Majors are considered for “Honors in the Major” and “Highest Honors in the Major” based on their GPA and on results of undergraduate research and other significant contributions to Baskin Engineering. Students with a GPA of 3.7 or higher, in most cases, receive highest honors. Students with a GPA of 3.3 or higher but less than 3.7, in most cases, receive honors. Students with particularly significant accomplishments in undergraduate research or contributions to Baskin Engineering may be considered with a lower GPA. Robotics engineering juniors and seniors may also be eligible for election to the UC Santa Cruz chapter of Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society founded in 1885.

School of Engineering Policies

Please refer to the Baskin Engineering section of the catalog for additional policies that apply to all Baskin Engineering programs.

Materials Fee and Miscellaneous Fees

Please see the section on fees under Baskin Engineering.

Requirements and Planners
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Course Requirements

All students in the robotics engineering major must take the courses listed below. Although not required, it is strongly recommended that students interested in the robotics engineering major take ECE 8, Introduction to Robot Automation, in their first or second year. The senior comprehensive requirement for robotics engineering majors is satisfied by completion of the capstone course and the portfolio exit requirement. Students not making sufficient progress in the major may be recommended to change to another major.

Lower-Division Courses

Students who may have originally pursued another major should discuss with the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising office whether or not already completed coursework may be substituted for one or more lower-division requirements.

Either of the following:
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


And all the following:
AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


CSE 12Computer Systems and Assembly Language and Lab


And the following:
CSE 20Beginning Programming in Python


CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


Students with no prior programming will take CSE 20 before CSE 30. Students with a prior programming course, AP credit, or clearing the “Test-out” bar will start with CSE 30.

And either of the following:
MATH 23AVector Calculus


AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


And all the following courses:
ECE 13Computer Systems and C Programming


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5LIntroduction to Physics I Laboratory


PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 5NIntroduction to Physics Laboratory III


ECE 9Statics and Mechanics of Materials


ECE 10Fundamentals of Robot Kinematics and Dynamics


Upper-Division Courses

All of the following:

CSE 100Logic Design


CSE 100LLogic Design Laboratory


CSE 107Probability and Statistics for Engineers


ECE 141Feedback Control Systems


ECE 167Sensing and Sensor Technologies


CSE 101Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms


ECE 101Introduction to Electronic Circuits


ECE 101LIntroduction to Electronic Circuits Laboratory


ECE 103Signals and Systems


ECE 103LSignals and Systems Laboratory


ECE 118Introduction to Mechatronics


ECE 121Microcontroller System Design



Advanced Robotics Elective

One of the following:

ECE 215Models of Robotic Manipulation


ECE 216Bio-Inspired Locomotion


ECE 240Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems


ECE 242Applied Feedback Control


ECE 244Digital Control


ECE 245Estimation and Introduction to Control of Stochastic Processes


ECE 246Hybrid Dynamical Systems


ECE 249Introduction to Cyber-physical Systems


Upper-Division and Graduate Elective

One course from the following (with a recommendation of ECE163):

ECE 163Introduction to Small-Scale UAV Theory and Practice


AM 114Introduction to Dynamical Systems


ECE 145Estimation and Introduction to Control of Stochastic Processes


AM 147Computational Methods and Applications


CMPM 146Game AI


CSE 120Computer Architecture


CSE 113Parallel and Concurrent Programming


CSE 122Introduction to VLSI Digital System Design


CSE 125Logic Design with Verilog


CSE 165Human-Computer Interaction


CSE 150Introduction to Computer Networks


CSE 151Advanced Computer Networks


CSE 151LAdvanced Computer Networks Laboratory


ECE 153Digital Signal Processing


CSE 156Network Programming


CSE 156LNetwork Programming Laboratory


CSE 167Mobile Sensing and Interaction


CSE 106Applied Graph Theory and Algorithms


CSE 102Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms


CSE 110AFundamentals of Compiler Design I


CSE 110BFundamentals of Compiler Design II


CSE 111Advanced Programming


CSE 131Introduction to Operating Systems


CSE 112Comparative Programming Languages


CSE 115AIntroduction to Software Engineering


CSE 118Mobile Applications


CSE 132Computer Security


CSE 138Distributed Systems


CSE 103Computational Models


CSE 140Artificial Intelligence


CSE 142Machine Learning


CSE 160Introduction to Computer Graphics


CSE 161Introduction to Data Visualization


CSE 161LData Visualization Laboratory


CSE 180Database Systems I


CSE 181Database Systems II


CSE 183Web Applications


ECE 130Introduction to Optoelectronics and Photonics


ECE 130LIntroduction to Optoelectronics Laboratory


ECE 135Electromagnetic Fields and Waves


ECE 135LElectromagnetic Fields and Waves Laboratory


ECE 102Properties of Materials


ECE 102LProperties of Materials Laboratory


ECE 151Communications Systems


ECE 152Introduction to Wireless Communications


ECE 153Digital Signal Processing


ECE 171Analog Electronics


ECE 171LAnalog Electronics Laboratory


ECE 172Advanced Analog Circuits


ECE 173High-Speed Digital Design


ECE 175Energy Generation and Control


ECE 175LEnergy Generation and Control Laboratory


ECE 193Field Study


CSE 276Optimization Theory and Applications


ECE 198Individual Study or Research


Lecture and required concurrent lab course counts as one course.

Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement

Students in all majors must satisfy that major's upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement in robotics is satisfied by completing the senior capstone course sequence:

Either these three courses:
ECE 129ACapstone Project I


ECE 129BCapstone Project II


ECE 129CCapstone Project III


Or these two courses:
ECE 129ACapstone Project I


ECE 195Senior Thesis Research


ECE 195Senior Thesis Research


10 credits for the senior thesis course, ECE 195, must be completed for this option.

Comprehensive Requirement

Capstone Requirement
Students must complete one capstone design course that spans three quarters
ECE 129ACapstone Project I


ECE 129BCapstone Project II


ECE 129CCapstone Project III


or complete the following courses:
ECE 129ACapstone Project I


ECE 195Senior Thesis Research


ECE 195Senior Thesis Research


10 credits for the senior thesis course, ECE 195, must be completed for this option.

Exit Requirement

Students are required to complete an exit survey and attend an exit interview. Portfolios of the students work will be collected from our courses for program evaluation. The portfolios will be reviewed by the Electrical and Computer Engineering undergraduate committee and will include two project reports: ECE 118 and either the senior capstone report (ECE 129A/ECE 129B/ECE 129C) or the student’s senior thesis.


The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.

Four-Year Planner for Robotics Engineering

Below is a sample academic plan for students majoring in robotics engineering.  As part of the major declaration process students prepare an academic plan and the selected electives may affect the placement of other courses as well. Careful planning is required to complete the degree within four years. Students who are unable to follow this planner should consult with ECE advisors for alternatives. General education requirements that are not covered in the four-year planner are: CC (Cross-Cultural Analysis), ER (Ethnicity and Race), IM (Interpreting Arts and Media), TA (Textual Analysis), PE (Perspective), and C (Composition).

Year Fall Winter Spring  Summer 
Entering       College 1A
      Summer Edge (optional)
1st (frosh) MATH 19A MATH 19B AM 10  
CSE 20 PHYS 5A & PHYS 5L CSE 16  
College 1 CSE 12 ECE 13  
  WRIT 1/WRIT 1E (if needed)     
2nd (soph) AM 30 or MATH 23A ECE 9  ECE 10  
PHYS 5C & PHYS 5N AM 20 CSE 30  
ECE 8 (recommended) ECE 101 & ECE 101L CSE 107  
WRIT 2      
3rd (junior)   ECE 121  Upper-division elective  
  ECE 103 & ECE 103L   ECE 118   
  CSE 100 & CSE 100L CSE 101    
4th (senior)  ECE 129A  ECE 129B  ECE 129C   
  ECE 141 Advanced robotics elective ECE 167  

* WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.

Plan for Junior Transfers

Below is a sample academic plan for students transferring to UC Santa Cruz in robotics engineering in their junior year. It assumes that all lower-division course requirements have already been satisfied, except ECE 9 and ECE 10. The plan for the third and fourth years will vary according to the electives and capstone selected. As part of the major declaration process students prepare a plan and the selected electives may affect the placement of other courses as well. Careful planning at the time of declaration is required to complete the degree within two years.

This planner assumes that most general education courses have been completed before coming to UCSC.

Year  Fall  Winter  Spring  Summer 
Entering       KRSG 1T
      Summer Edge (optional)
3rd (junior)  ECE 101 & ECE 101L ECE 121 ECE 118   
  CSE 101 ECE 9 ECE 10  
  CSE 100 & CSE 100L CSE 107  ECE 103 & ECE 103L  
4th (senior)  ECE 129A  ECE 129B  ECE 129C   
  ECE 141 Advanced robotics elective ECE 167   

Curriculum charts for all Baskin Engineering majors are available at the BE Undergraduate Advising Major Curriculum Charts page.