
HIS 190G Comparative History of Redress and Reparations

Explores why after World War II and especially in the past 30 years, demands for redress and reparations for war crimes, genocide, mass violence, slavery, colonialism, and other injustices proliferated. Students compare different views on the benefits of confronting the past, identifying perpetrators, and providing justice in multiple countries. Students also analyze how race, ethnicity, religion, class, and gender shaped injustices and assessments of reparations by public officials, international investigators, survivors, and descendants of victims. Topics include tribunals, prosecutions, truth commissions, apologies, restitution, compensation, and memorialization.


Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, HIS 100, and two additional upper-division history courses, or by permission of instructor. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior history majors.



Quarter offered



Alice Yang