Biomolecular Engineering

BME 281J Seminar in Computational Genomics and Biomedicine

Research seminar of the UCSC Computational Genomic Laboratory and Platform Teams. Students receive hands-on instruction in modern computational methods to address research questions. Topics include: genomic and transcriptomic sequence analysis methods, comparative and evolutionary genomics, big-data genomic analysis, biomedical data sharing, and precision medicine. Students attend and participate in monthly lab meetings, monthly all-hands meetings, where students give a quick report on their progress and the next month's goals, and a bi-weekly journal club, where pairs of students present and discuss a paper of their choosing with the lab. Students also participate in hands-on, active computational laboratory-based research. Student evaluation is based on suitable progress toward research goals and graduate program progress.


Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.



Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring


Benedict Paten

Repeatable for credit
